If you are sure that your system meets the criteria to support DirectX 10 or 11 graphics modes in games, but do not get prompted to enable it, and the option is "greyed out" in Options, you may be running one or more of the game files in "Compatibility Mode" and most likely for an operating system that does not support DX10/11 (e.g. I cannot enable DirectX 10/11 mode, and I don't get prompted by the game that it was found, but I know my system should be able to support it. If you are then prompted to enable DirectX 10/11 graphics, choose "No".
Continue to log into the game and when prompted "Are you sure you want to reset the graphics?" choose "Yes". Select "Options" and under the "Repair" tab click to select "Reset game display settings" and click OK. Click the button in the row in the upper-right corner that has the single "down-arrow" on it. If you enable DX10 mode and now cannot launch the game, you can revert the game's graphics settings at the launcher: How can I change it to not use DX10/11 if I can't get to Options? and/or during character creation you cannot choose any of the "Race" options, this may be due to the issue detailed here.Īfter I enabled DirectX 10/11 the game crashed or now it doesn't launch. If you enable DX10 mode and cannot see the character models at select, and only the "2D" items like menus etc. I enabled DirectX 10 when the game asked if I wanted to, but now when I get to character select I can't see my characters? Note: You will not be able to change this if your system does not meet the criteria. (Click "Accept" and restart the game to have it apply the change.)
Click the drop-down next to "Graphics Hardware Level" and choose either DirectX 9, 10 or 11 mode. Log into the game to character select and open the Options menu.
Also, you can enable these options manually (only if they are available) using these steps: If your system meets those criteria above, the game should detect this at launch and ask if you want to enable them.
To determine if your graphics card is a model that supports DX10 or 11, check with the card or "chipset" (e.g. The "DirectX Diagnostic" panel that opens will list the "Operating System" and installed DirectX Version. Click on the Windows "Start" button and click into "Start Search" and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) and hit Enter. The game needs to be able to detect the three items above as available to be able to allow the option to use them. Your Graphics Card needs to be a model that supports DX10/11 graphics in games.
DirectX 10 or 11 has to be installed and updated. Your Operating System needs to be either Windows Vista or Windows 7. To be able to utilize DirectX 10 or 11 Graphics in game (DDO or LOTRO), your system needs to meet the following criteria: